Net Positive: Short Term Rentals in Colorado Springs

Your property rights are at risk in Colorado Springs…
Colorado Springs City Council is considering an ordinance that could severely restrict Airbnb’s and Vacation Rentals in Colorado Springs
If your private property rights are important to you; if you currently host an Airbnb or short term rental, or if you’re thinking about hosting and would like the freedom to do so in the future, please become involved. (3) simple things will help immensely:
- Share this post, re-blog this post, or share this video on your blog, on your social media platform, or wherever else you’d like. If you’re not active online, tell as many people about this as possible.
- Go to the Colorado Springs Short-Term Rental Alliance Facebook page, like the page, and stay active with their posts…liking and sharing as much as possible. This page is also a great source of updated information concerning City Council hearings, etc.
- Email Colorado Springs City Council Members at the following addresses:
- Don Knight
- Yolanda Avila
- Merv Bennett
- Jill Gaebler
- David Geislinger
- Bill Murray
- Andres Pico
- Richard Skorman
- Tom Strand
Here’s MORE INFO, if you’d like to determine which district each Council member represents.
And here’s an email template to use (copy and paste):
Dear Council,
Thank you for your attention to Ordinance 18 regarding the regulation of Short Term Rentals. This ordinance is important to me because (add your story).
The city has taken several steps over the past few years to inform its citizens about short term rentals. A Development Assistance Bulletin (DAB-405) was distributed and available on the city website. It outlined how to move forward in opening a short term rental, guidelines for being a good neighbor, and what property types were allowed. Additionally, several articles were published regarding the city’s agreement with AirBnB to collect and remit city and state taxes appropriately. Because of this, I feel it is inappropriate for city council to reverse course on these issues, and enact regulations that will have disastrous financial consequences for myself and my family. Changes of this magnitude need to be thoroughly researched and measured. A true independent study of short terms rentals in Colorado Springs as well as an impact analysis of the proposed regulations is a critical first step in coming to a fair conclusion that recognizes the needs of all of your constituents.
Thank you for your time,
(Your Name)
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