Top 3 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Vacation Rental Revenue

The vacation rental industry has experienced a significant shift in competitiveness over the years. The simple days of snapping a few pictures with an iPhone and listing a home in an afternoon are long gone. As the market has become saturated with options, even hotels have started to regain their appeal after some challenges faced by platforms like Airbnb.

Does this mean Airbnb is dead? Absolutely not. It simply means that the bar for vacation rentals has been raised. Vacation rentals still hold lucrative potential if managed correctly. However, achieving profitability isn't about luck; it's about strategy.

At Hoste, having managed hundreds of properties, we've learned what it takes to transform underperforming vacation rentals into lucrative ones. It's crucial to note, however, that not every property is destined to succeed as a vacation rental. With the right strategies and dedication, your property has the potential to become a top performer in the market.

Here are our top three strategies for boosting your vacation rental income:

1. Optimize Your Photos and Listing

The first strategy is to nail your listing's visual presentation. The first impression is key as potential guests browse through numerous options online. They visualize their stay as they look at photos, making this aspect of your listing incredibly important.

It's essential to stand out; doing what everyone else does will likely yield only average results. For instance, if interior living room photos are commonplace, consider highlighting unique features like a cozy outdoor fire pit setup or a vibrant sunset dinner on the patio that sells the guest on the experience. The initial photo should be striking and represent the best aspect of your property.

Don't rely solely on your intuition for choosing photos; instead, use testing to determine which images resonate most with guests. We've also found that twilight photos work really well because they create a warm, inviting ambiance that can make the property stand out and appeal to potential guests looking for a memorable stay.

Taking it further, consider seasonally optimizing your listing—similar to how retail stores adapt their displays for different holidays, you can tailor your property's presentation to appeal as an ideal destination for each season.

2. Implement Dynamic Pricing Strategies

No matter how stunning your photos are or how awesome your amenities might be, if your pricing isn't optimized, all your other efforts won't produce a high-earning vacation rental. Pricing needs to adapt to changing conditions—the right price one year might not be right the next.

Many homeowners struggle with pricing, often underestimating or overestimating their property's worth in the current market. The keyword is the "current market". Dynamic pricing, which adjusts in real-time to market conditions, ensures your property is competitively priced throughout the year. Removing emotion from pricing decisions is crucial; let the current market data guide your strategy. Static pricing is a common pitfall; it can lead to overpricing in low seasons and underpricing during peak times.

While algorithms provide a robust base for setting prices, they're not perfect. At Hoste, we prefer the term pricing optimization instead of dynamic pricing because simply changing prices isn't enough. Pricing optimization is an ongoing process that requires consistent tweaking and expert analysis to balance booking rates and maximize revenue. We proactively adjust our strategies based on anticipated market shifts to maintain a competitive edge.

3. Expand Your Reach Across Multiple Channels

A common oversight among property owners and managers is limiting their listings to a single platform. Roughly one-third of bookings come from Airbnb, another third from other platforms like VRBO,, and Expedia, and the final third from direct searches. By listing exclusively on one platform, you're potentially missing out on two-thirds of guest traffic.

While managing multiple channels can be challenging, the increased exposure can significantly boost your booking rates. It’s about finding a balance—manage as many channels as you can effectively handle without compromising the quality of your operations.

With these strategies, we've seen homeowners grow their earnings substantially.

Knowing these earning-boosting strategies is one thing, but actually implementing them and successfully carrying them out is another. 

Don't worry, we're here to help.

Hi, I'm Craig at Hoste, and I've been where you are.

I understand the struggle of managing a vacation rental while juggling everything else in life. I knew there was more I could do, but I just didn't have the time to be a full-time hospitality manager for my Airbnb. That's when I started using Hoste as my vacation rental manager.

They took my vision for my home and enhanced it in ways I never imagined. I believed so much in what they were doing that I joined Hoste full-time. Hoste offers more than just higher earnings; they provide an exceptional experience for both guests and homeowners, elevating my vacation rental to the next level.

At first, I had concerns like many homeowners do.

❌ I worried about losing control over my property.

✔️ Hoste provided a way for me to see what was happening at my house and made sure I was involved in key decisions regarding the home.

❌ I was unsure if the management cost would be worth it.

✔️ Hoste's ability to get bookings at higher rates more than paid for itself.

❌ I questioned if my guests would receive the same level of care.

✔️ Hoste improved the guest experience under their management.

❌ I was already listing on multiple booking platforms and still not getting the results I wanted.

✔️ Hoste Meticulously optimized each booking platform, going beyond just listing to ensure maximum visibility and appeal.

These are just a few ways Hoste tackled the challenges I encountered. Whether you're managing your property yourself, using another management service, or thinking about converting your property from a long-term rental to a vacation rental, Hoste's service has been developed with your needs in mind over the last decade.

Benefits You Can Expect

Higher Earnings

Our strategies maximize your property's earning potential.

More Bookings

Experience more bookings and higher occupancy rates.


Stay connected to your property from anywhere.

What Homeowners are Saying

"Set The Bar High"

"I wanted to learn more about how Hoste and how they manage vacation rentals. I met Craig Kallian at Hoste and he showed me how high Hoste has set the bar for vacation rental management. They know the market inside and out."

Tom G.

"Unmatched Service"

"Hoste is a great company to use as your vacation rental manager with a level of service you do not see anywhere else. We have been in partnership since 2019 and I cannot say enough good things about them."

Megan P.


"Woah! Thank y'all so, so much for the clarity with the property reports on the homeowner portal. It's incredible. It massively boosts my confidence in the status of the house and gives me clarity on the status of ongoing tasks."

Adam N.

How it

Step 1: Schedule a Home Walkthrough

Fill out the form below and we'll schedule a time to meet at the property to do a walkthrough.

Step 2: We'll onboard your property

We'll work with you to setup the home so it's ready for the first guests.

Step 3: Sit Back, Relax, Start Earning

Once your property is onboard the Hoste service, you'll start getting guest reservations and get paid without lifting a finger.

Here's What You'll Get...

Strategic Listing Marketing  
Stunning Photography
Listing Optimization
Listing on 11 Booking Platforms
Amenity Recommendations
24/7 Guest and Owner Hospitality
Transparent Homeowner Portal
Full-service Management
Superior Property Care
24/7 Maintenance Coordination
Upscale Linens and Cleaning
Premium Guest Essentials
Property & Smart Home Services
Property Protection

Ready to Get Started?

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