How to get more bookings and maximize revenue without working extra hours

What to know before you hire a vacation rental management company

Watching my AirBnB's get more bookings, higher reviews and outperforming competing listings without spending hours turning over properties, communicating with guests, keeping up with taxes, marketing the property or having to be by my phone 24/7 to handle emergencies is truly a breath of fresh air...

... but it wasn't always like that...

I started on AirBnB renting out rooms out of my personal home…

I was fully booked, was getting good reviews and since I was in profit, I saw no need to hire a property manager...  

Then things started to change... the better my AirBnB performed, the more I had to work... what started out as a way to earn passive income, soon became a full time job...

I felt trapped working in my business... 

Going from renting out rooms to now having over 138 properties under my belt wasn’t easy…

I was spending most of my time doing laundry, coordinating with maintenance crews and communicating with guests…

Although I started to automate my business, I still felt like I was on call 24/7…

Not a big deal when you have a handful of properties, have the time to manage and live close enough to deal with issues as they arise…

... but when you start to get to 10… 15 or more properties, getting calls at 11 pm because the internet isn’t working and guests are trying to get a refund from Airbnb (who seem to favor guests more these days)…

… or neighbors calling about noise complaints…

… or the call from your cleaning crew trying to get in the house, but guests decided to ignore their checkout time and now you’re not sure if your place will be ready on time for the next guests to check in... 

Yup… those calls are no fun…

The worst ones are when there is damage to the property and you have to go through the claims process which Airbnb makes so difficult most owners just end up eating up the costs…

… but if you got into short term rentals to create passive income then you have to build a team and outsource these tasks… 

Most people rely solely on major booking sites like AirBnB, VRBO, etc... and miss out on the extra revenue from direct bookings... 

Marketing your properties allows you to attract better guests and get more bookings...

After looking into different property managers, I was finding that many were simply uploading the listing on booking platforms and collecting a check without adding any value to the owners…

They would simply use automated tools that you can just go get yourself, but leave the real hard work of dealing with guest issues to you…

Really no point in hiring someone for something you can easily do yourself...

In fact, that’s what I did until I found myself working 80-100 hours a week and felt like I was burning out trying to manage all my properties… 

I felt like there had to be a better way to host…

That’s when I decided to create the Hoste experience… 

I wanted to make it easy to host…

We started by creating systems to get more bookings without relying on major booking sites…

Soon, we started to attract better guests so not only did we make more per booking, we got better customer reviews and they treated our properties better which made it easier to upkeep and maintain…

We didn't have to spend hours trying to kick people out of our rentals... or trying to remove bad reviews that hurt our superhost status... and when I say bad, I mean getting 3 star reviews because the weather didn't allow the guests to enjoy their stay as they had planned... guess that's also on you the host...

Unless you attract better guests who don't complain and whine about every detail or try to find any excuse to get a refund after they've already stayed in the property a few days...

Which is why our focus shifted from “babysitting” properties and guests to now focusing on ways we can free up time, make hosting easier and deliver a better experience for hosts and guests alike…

As owners saw that we were getting more bookings, higher occupancy rates, better reviews, they started reaching out to us to manage properties for them…

Here's how we started helping Hosts get more bookings, increase revenue and get higher reviews...

#1 Marketing Your Property To Get More Bookings

Most people put up their listing and leave it to chance to have others discover it...

Simple tweaks like writing a better headline and having a good cover photo can increase bookings dramatically...

... but the one thing that will increase bookings more than anything is to learn how to use social media to promote your property and get more direct bookings....

#2 Optimizing Your Pricing & Calendar Strategy To Increase Revenue

If you are not keeping up with trends, supply & demand and adjusting for busy VS slow seasons then you are leaving money on the table...

I used to take too long to turnover properties and had my property off the market too many days...

When you hire the right team to turnover properties for you, not only can they do it faster and more efficiently, but the extra revenue you make from listing your property more days more than pays for hiring a team...

This was one of the biggest breakthroughs I had... I was earning more, working less...

#3 Automating Guest Communications

About 80% of the time I spent on my business was in communicating with guests...

Having to be by your phone 24/7 in case of emergency and late night inquiries made this feel like a job more than a business...

That's why the number one recommendation I give to Hosts is to have a system in place that handles guest communications for you...

When other Hosts tried to replicate our system, they ended up spending more money and time hiring people, managing people and trying to learn how to use pricing tools or market their properties on social media...

Which is why we created a network and started to plug other listings into our system...

When other Hosts started using our Hoste experience they too started to increase revenue, and get higher reviews and the best part is that they were able to walk away and be completely hands off knowing their property is being taken care of (better and cheaper than they could if they tried to do it themselves)...

We’d do everything from getting bookings to taking care of accounting, pricing, cleaning & upkeep... 

We made it so easy, many owners are now watching their short term rental properties perform better using our systems without them having to lift a finger... 

If you want to learn more about how we can help you get more bookings, better reviews, market your properties and experience what it’s like to have a high performing short term rental 100% hands off, then tap the link below to learn more...

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